
Tuesday, 22 March 2016

The vDisk is Locked with Error: 0xffff8017

There are couples of issues tht arise in the Provisioning servers and this is one of them . So anyone who is facing this issue letz have a quick view and might be this fix will help to kick off your problem .
In PVS 6.1 Environment, after having latest updates on your vDisk and VM starts attempting to boot from this vdisk , it throws this Error Message  "Vdisk is locked. 0xffff8017" . 
Reason -"This error normally arise because of having lock on the vdisk in the vDisk Store which won't allow Virtual Machines(VM) to boot with this vDisk"
There are two method to resolve this issue , First one is quite risky which might corrupt your vDisk (but chances are little) so do it at your own risk and second one is Lenghty and require Downtime to resolve this Issue .
So,I am going to start with former one.  Solution is mentioned below :-
1. Directly delete the .lok File i.e. vDisk.lok file on all the provisioning Services (PVS)
2. Restart all the VM's functioning with this vDisk.
3. It will allow all the VM's to boot with this vDisk . Once successfully booted , you are ready to go and use these VM's as a VDI's and assign it to the Users.
Definitely this will save your time, and can have a cup of Tea/Coffee (Whatever you Like) in this time . but still think about it before going through these steps in Production Environment.
Now Comes with the Second Solution.So there is an outage involved in this procedure for people that use that image.
Follow the below mentioned Steps sequentially :-
1. If the users are using that Particular image, ask all of them  that are still connected to save their work and log off.
2. Go to your DDC(XenDesktop Controller) and put the Desktop Group in maintenance mode with whom this vDisk is associated. This will prevent the DDC from attempting to start up VMs . Then Force Shutdown on all the VMs. Verify on the Host(Esxi,XenCenter) that they are all shutdown
3. Login to the PVS server and go to the vDisk Store Hub(If locally or on Network) and Verify there is no gold lock next to the vDisk.If there is clear all the locks otherwise it won't allow you to delete the vDsik from vDisk Pool. Then click “Unassign from Selected Devices.”
4. Open the PVS console,check mark all the Vm's and click Unassign which allows you to free up the vDisk.
5. Now go back to your Store view and right click on your vDisk. You should now see an option to Delete. Click it.
6. MAKE SURE you DO NOT check the Delete the associated VHD files check box. Just hit Yes only. If you check mark this option, this will delete your .vhd file from the vDisk Store.
7. Now right click on “Store” and click “Add or Import Existing vDisk.”
8. Click Search to search your Store for vDisks. It will show all the vDisk which are not there in the vDisk pool but present in the vDisk Store Hub. Select and then click Add once it stops being greyed out.
9. It will be imported in Private mode every time. Go ahead and switch it to Standard mode. You might also want to check Cache type, Enable Active Directory machine account password management, and KMS/MAK on the Microsoft Volume Licensing tab .
10. Now go to your Device Collection and select the devices that need this particular vDisk golden image. I’m not going to sit here and click and modify each one. So I will set the vDisk on the first VM only.
11.Now right click that VM you just set and click “Copy Device Properties.”
12. Hit “Clear All”, then check “vDisk Assignment” only, then hit Copy.
13. Now just highlight all your other VMs where you want to add this vDisk, right click in the highlighted area, and click Paste. Instantly all your VMs will be assigned that vDisk.
14. Now just boot up a couple of VMs and verify the “Vdisk is locked. 0xffff8017″ error is gone. Then disable Maintenance mode on your DDC and you’re back in business.
15. Don’t forget to tell your users to log back in.

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